Events & exhibitions
Here are all the photographic exhibitions, publications, talks and events I'm involved in. For my workshops, see this page
28th Jan 2025
Leamington Spa Photographic Society (LSPS) - Views from Eigg talk
Walking through the images from my book and talking about the inspiration behind it and the things I have taken forward from the process of creating it.
5th Feb 2020 Adderbury & Deddington Photographic Society talk
21st Jan 2020 Leamington Spa Photographic Society (LSPS) talk
10 Jun 2019 Bicester Camera Club talk
Oxfordshire Artweeks 2019
I’m registered for Artweeks 2019 and will be exhibiting my work between 24-27 May - see my artist profile here. This is during the North Oxfordshire area calendar window, so hopefully you’ll be able to visit me amongst the other nearby artists.
RPS Visual Art Group weekend in Windsor (5-8 April 2019)
I gave a talk (“Translating the Landscape”) and ran two workshops in Windsor Great Park for this regional RPS group event. More details here:
RPS workshop - woodland bluebell hunt (28th April 2019)
I ran this special workshop for the RPS Landscape Group in Northamptonshire - see this link for detail. We all had a great time in the woods at the peak of the bluebell season!
Kidlington Camera Club evening talk ( November 2018)
I gave this evening talk on my landscape workflow and methodology.
Mill Arts Centre Exhibition, Banbury (28 Jan - 2 Mar 2019)
My work was exhibited in Banbury’s Mill Arts Centre - exhibition title: “Landscape photography; Banbury and beyond”
Link to website:
RPS Rollrights Visual Art Group talk (24th November 2018)
I gave this daytime talk at this RPS regional group. The Village Hall, Long Compton. Review of my talk (excerpt) from Barry Barker FRPS:
It was particularly interesting to see the worked examples of some images. He showed us his test images to illustrate how he came upon the best viewpoint and camera settings for a Lake District shot, then took us through the post processing – pretty minimal as you’d expect with such meticulous attention to detail at the taking stage. Likewise, an example from his Iceland set – just small tweaks of tone and slight vignetting. A late evening shot of Durdle Door on the Jurassic Coast required more work to extract shadow detail, but again this was made easier (possible) by the care and precision at the shooting stage. His last worked example, a very minimalist shot of trees in Iceland, summed up Nathan’s approach – to capture what is there, to emphasise what is important, and to show it at its best.
Oxfordshire Art Weeks (Twyford, 11th-13th May 2018)
I exhibited at this Oxfordshire-wide celebration of art!
Exhibition @The Old Town Cafe, Banbury (Jan 2017)
My work was on display here for the month of January in this cafe / art shop / gallery in Banbury's old town district. A mixture of local landscapes and some UK / international work was up for sale along with mounted prints and some postcards.
'Reaching for warmth of sunrise'
Ironstone Prize 2016 - Banbury Museum
I exhibited one of my best prints - 'Reaching for warmth of sunrise' in this curated exhibition / competition only held every two years. Sadly I didn't win the overall prize, but it was nice to see my work displayed locally for a month!
Light & Land exhibition, Mall Galleries (London 2015)
This was held in 2015 in association with Outdoor Photography magazine - I exhibited four prints from around the world alongside many other photographers. The location was in Pall Mall and the event was opened by the famous landscape photographer, Charlie Waite.